Lately life has been filled with lots of ups and downs mostly ups but no news is good news right , lots of dirty diaper changing and very noisy noise lots of baby smiles and kids saying mommy this is mommy that in the spare moments that I do find for my business and the time that I directly addressed my business I find a sense of self control as well as sense of Momprenuership for sure that's the only word for it , Bing young and a wife I genuinely love my life especially with entrepreneurship involved somebody asked me if I'm a stay at home mom today I pondered the thought of being grateful that I am but I'm not I'm so much more I'm always stay at home mom cook clean , child of God business owner make up line owner, last technician, make up artist, great friend, family member, theirs so much to me I say this to say I'm grateful for the position I've been giving in life and what I've done with my life for the hard things that I have endured I'm grateful to be in a good place mentally and physically , well physically not so much but we'll work on that , but I'm grateful for the time that I've gotten to spend with my family and business in this season of my life so many plans going forward if God's willing , i'll just have to see where this next season of my life takes me , however as for now for Angel Like cosmetics if God's willing I do plan on launching a blush palette and eyebrow pencils maybe lip liners , I tend to plan my lunches in advance I'm still figuring out marketing I'm doing a lot of the foot work for marketing praying that it will pay off I also do want to add a ministry aspect to my business , but I'm just praying that God sends me direction , I say all this to let you guys know that I'm feeling very optimistic about Angel Like cosmetics and what God holds for us in the future .Proverbs 31